Tips to Secure that PAID Summer Internship

Tips to Secure that PAID Summer Internship

Have you started thinking about securing a job or internship for summer 2020?

It may only be November, but trust me, now is the perfect time to start searching and applying for summer internships. Whether you are interested in engineering, fine arts or marine biology, internships are essential to a young adult’s matriculation into the workforce, especially as millennials. Paid internships exist but are hard to come by these days. But no worries here is your guide to secure that paid summer internship.


1. Start applying NOW

As mentioned before, paid internships are available but very sparse. This means that they are extremely competitive and often have earlier application deadlines. Typical deadlines for summer internships range from December-March, but the most competitive ones begin accepting applications as early as September-November. This is especially true for paid internships at larger and more well-known companies and corporations.

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2. You Deserve to be PAID Sis

Yes, most internships are unpaid. However, there are hundreds and hundreds of internships that not only offer payroll or stipends but will even pay for your transportation and/or housing. Yes, you read that right. This is why you should never settle. Your dream job will always be there, and if you can afford to work for free, go for it! But most of us millennial’s are out here struggling, and we deserve every penny for the hard work that we do. And there’s honestly too many internships out here to settle for an unpaid one.

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3. Don’t Compromise Yourself or Your Morals

Read each job description carefully, and ensure that the perspective job descriptions are parallel with your morals and beliefs. You should never have to compromise any parts of yourself for a job. And if you think that you may have to do just that to get the job, then it is not worth it sis. On to the next! If you sense an unhealthy work environment before you even work for the company, actually working there will nine times out of ten be even worse. Don’t even bother risking it.

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4. Refine that Resume for Each Application

Some of the best resume advice I have received, was from a black cooperate worker at ESPN. He told me that for every job applied to, your resume should be different. Each job is looking for different skills and attributes, and you should change your resume to fit those specific requirements. Click here for a list of the best free resume builders.

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5. Have Confidence

This goes for interviews of course, but remember that you can do anything you put your put your mind to, you just have to work for it. And that’s period.

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6. Apply Everywhere

Yes, we love big-name internships, but it is okay to start small and gain experience. Having more experience to add to your resume will make you and even more qualified candidate for the big-name jobs. I promise, you will get there eventually, and you are more likely to secure an internship with a smaller company, because their is less competition.

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7. Be Patient

You will not hear back right away. If the job you are applying to gives you an estimated time that they will get back to you on their decision, mark it on your calendar. If not, you must practice patience and not over-stress yourself on the final decision.

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Good-luck sistas. Remember to always believe in yourself, because you can do anything you want, and the possibilities are endless.

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